USA is a Constitutional Republic, under which democracy is a system of government within which there are state powers and there are federal powers. For example, Roe v. Wade should be, and was meant to be, decided within a state, not the federal government. Red states see abortion policies differently from those in blue states. Democrats want federal government to have its nose in everything and call it “democracy” … not so with Republicans. States are supposed to have sovereignty to better represent the philosophical beliefs of a majority of its population.

Democrats give whole speeches and write entire opinion pieces without ever mentioning the word “constitution”. In 1787, “Federalist Papers”, written by three constitutional experts (Hamilton, Madison and Jay) defended the basis of a republican government. Today, Democrats (like Soros) pay protestors to pitch fits over Roe v. Wade being sent back to states? Coincidentally, Soros is one of the Democrats’ largest donors. What he wants, and pays big bucks to get, is not necessarily what a majority of people in red states want.

A Constitutional Republic foresaw the importance of state sovereignty and federal government’s primary job should only be limited to shared needs, such as national security. For example, the Federal government is not in charge of student debt coverage for some people and not others. Biden and the Democrats overstep their bounds over and over.