Democrats have no facts, none, nada. Adam Schit looks at you and lies with a straight face.  Pelosi follows up by building her case on these same lies (e.g. the Russia collusion theater). These people are the scum of the swamp. Pelosi, Schuler, Schiff, Nadler, Biden, most of those running for president, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Bennie Thompson, and basically, all the “never Trumpers” in DC, need to be removed.  Let this fabulous American president get on with the business of draining the swamp.

PS- the hypocrisy of Pelosi, “using the constitution as her sword”, when she and the democrats have trod all over it starting with the first and second amendments. Pelosi also admonishes us to “be prayerful”  when God was officially removed from her political platform years ago and they continue to try to get Him removed from schools and everywhere else.