Democrats are destroying America. They own the whole WOKE nonsense and “identity politics” (aka “tribalism”). They’ve thrown qualities and skills out the window and demand that every school, business and bureaucrat, practice “ESG” (equity). Democrats’ “gestapo” will go after those who don’t. Parents (especially those who attend school board meetings to protest) are labeled “domestic terrorists”. Anyone with a differing opinion from theirs stands a chance of being thrown into jail. Dissidents, especially anti-abortionists, are frequently held in solitary confinement.

Democrats’ DOJ has labeled “Catholics” and “parents” as “Domestic Terrorists”. Not one Democrat has been subjected to predawn SWAT raids and other Stalinist, draconian, Orwellian, sick, third world, authoritarian, behavior!

To be a Democrat is to be for abortion. For some, it is acceptable to commit murder-by-abortion up to time of delivery. One man, who was quietly protesting in front of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, was seized in front of his children. He was cuffed, brutally thrown into the back of a police car and hauled-off to jail! Democrats no longer believe in due process or the First Amendment. Those, who agree with them, will either be left alone or, if caught doing the same thing, will be released within hours. What Democrats did to the Bundy family, who were held for more than a year without trial, is a classic example. Democrats let every day people like them rot in jail.

Democrats brag about “drag queens”. One went topless in the front yard of the people’s White House. One is principal of an elementary school in Oklahoma! A parade of drag queens chanted, “we’re coming for your children”.

They are coming for anyone who disagrees or tries to protect our childen. Time to take a stand!