“Woke” is slang for insults, lying and bullying. Democrats use Woke to smear Republicans and Christians. Obama promised to “fundamentally change America”. His audience went wild with happiness. Democrats also promise to destroy anyone who disagrees with their Woke culture. Although Hilary didn’t use the word “Woke”, she defined it in her 2015, anti-Republican rant, labelling them as homophobes, misogynists, racists, gun toting, Bible loving, anti-climate-change-combatants, anti-abortionists, smelly Walmart shoppers, and all-around bag of deplorables. Democrats love Woke, even though the attached socialist ideology is horrifying! Yet, the woke glossary of terms, thoughts, and behaviors is growing daily. Democrats own Woke!

Woke is Orwellian. Woke culture destroys freedom. It ignores biological gender truths. Children are indoctrinated by Critical Race Theory, disavowing truth and replacing it with the lie that America is cruel and systemically racist. Newly defined pronouns are mandatory. Catholics and other Christians are labeled anti-abortionists and are jailed when they protest abortion clinics. America’s Dept. of Justice (aka “Ministry of Truth”) has declared parents to be “domestic terrorists”, who should have nothing to do with raising their own children. At a recent parade, men in drag got away with chanting, “we are coming for your children”. Whistleblowers are severely punished. Pre-dawn SWAT raids go after Republicans, but never Democrats. America is not supposed to have two sets of justice. Sadly, it does … one for Democrats and one for people who disagree with them. Again, Democrats own it! Call them. Tell them to stand for We the People and not Woke mobs! In Montana, that is Jon Tester (202-224-2644). Tell them to stop their Gestapo tactics now!