ECONOMIC SYSTEMS WITHIN GOVERNMENTS                                                      

An economic system defines the manner of producing and distributing goods and services of a society

Capitalism: an economic system of private ownership of capital.  The means for the production of goods and services are privately owned. What’s yours is yours to do with what you choose.  You raise chickens, eat the eggs, sell the eggs, or throw them at the cow.  YOUR CHOICE!

The United States of America has a capitalistic economic system.

Socialism:  a economic system based on collective ownership and government control of the production and distribution of goods.  You work hard to raise your chickens and the government gives half of them to your deadbeat neighbor.  Extreme socialism has no regard for civil liberties and becomes communism.

Denmark and Finland are examples of Socialist countries

POLITICAL SYSTEMS WITHIN GOVERNMENTS                                                        

A political system refers to the organization of a government and how the system will work.

Communism:  This is an economic as well as a political system.  There is no private ownership.  The ideology is a classless society with common ownership of property. You raise the chickens for the collective.  The government takes the chickens and the eggs and does with them what THEY CHOOSE!  This government often times tells you whether or not you will raise chickens.

China, Vietnam, and North Korea, and Cuba are communist countries

Dictatorship:    (Also Totalitarianism and Authoritarianism) One leader rules and makes all laws.  Often times power is seized by force.  A dictator may well be initially voted into power.  

Cuba has a dictatorship.

Monarchy:   This is a dictatorship whereas one leader has absolute power.  Many times these leaders, kings and queens, are born into power. 

Saudi Arabia is a Monarchy

Constitutional Monarchy:   Laws are made by elected leaders of Parliment.  Parliment is made up of two house:  The house of Commons and the House of Lords.  The House of Commons is made up of elected officials.  This house makes the laws.  The House of Lords is made up of those born into power.  This house only lends advise to the House of Commons.

Fascism:  dictatorship that exalts nation and race, forcibly suppressing all external and internal opposition and controlling all industry and commerce.  The three principles of Fascism are:

  1. Everything in the State (Government):  The government is supreme and all within the country must conform to the ruling body (dictator).
  2. Nothing outside the State:  The country must grow.  The implied goal of Fascism is to rule the world and have every human submit to the ruling body.
  3. Nothing against the State:  No questioning of the government is tolerated. If you do not agree with the government, you can not be allowed to live and taint the minds of the other citizens.

You raise your chickens.  The government takes the eggs and does with them what THEY CHOOSE!

Democracy:    A democracy allows each individual citizen of a country to participate in the government.  In a Representative Democracy elected representatives are supposed to vote with the wishes of the group being represented.

Republic:  The government remains subject to those it governs.  In this system a leader can be removed by the people of the country.  The United States is a Republic that also uses a representative democratic system.

Federal:  A system of government in which several regions form a union controlled by a central government, but remain independent in internal affairs.  The United States have a Federal system of government.