This last week I visited with business owners, local officials, school and hospital leaders and workers in eastern Montana to hear directly how their lives have been impacted by President Biden’s Day One action to kill the Keystone XL pipeline.

This decision has been detrimental to Montana communities—eliminating critical tax revenue and good-paying jobs. With the stroke of a pen, President Biden yielded to radical environmentalists and harmed eastern Montana. This doesn’t make any sense because pipelines are the most environmentally safe way to transport oil, and the Keystone XL pipeline would actually reduce transportation emissions. President Biden is ignoring the science and facts, and Montanans are bearing the burden. President Biden must be reverse his decision.

The impacts of this action are far reaching. Here’s what I heard from Montanans when I visited eastern Montana last week.

In Baker, the local school superintendent was counting on the tax revenue expected to flow in from the Keystone XL pipeline to help improve local schools. Several business owners talked about the financial hit that they have taken since the cancellation and a youth pastor said that they were expecting donations from local businesses and companies to help the community. A hospital leader even said that the revenue generated by the Keystone XL project would have helped to keep healthcare costs down. Now, because of President Biden actions, the community will receive none of this.


Next, I visited Fisher Sand and Gravel in Glendive where they were estimating that the Keystone XL pipeline would have generated over $1.5 million for their business alone. I also spoke with folks about the millions of dollars in tax revenue for the county that could have been used to fund schools, law enforcement and local infrastructure projects. Once again, the President’s decision is hurting eastern Montana communities.


In Terry, I caught up with community leaders and business owners who once again told me that without the Keystone XL pipeline, they are losing critical funding and hardworking Montanans are losing their jobs. These folks are hurting because of President Biden’s irrational decision.


The folks of eastern Montana had a clear message for President Biden: stop ignoring our communities and reverse your decision that killed the Keystone XL pipeline.

This shouldn’t be a partisan issue. Montanans deserve to be heard. These stories must be shared. I have a bill that congressionally authorizes the project, and we need all Republicans AND Democrats to join in this fight and sign onto it. As we know, it will help create jobs, generate tax revenue, support local communities, reduce emissions and strengthen our national security. A win-win for all.

Best Wishes,


Steve Daines
United States Senate