This week, Montana’s wonderful Sen. Daines introduced legislation to “Combat Child Abuse and Trafficking at the Southern Border” and “Preventing the Recycling of Immigrants” (PRINTS Act).  It prevents the abusive practice of “child recycling” by giving U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) authority to fingerprint non-citizens under the age of 14. 

Sen. Daines was also on Kudlow’s FOXBusiness show.  They agreed that Pres. Trump is the most powerful, impressive leader, not just in America, but also in the world, ever!  Pres. Trump is wasting no time, because the American people are expecting big results.”  Paraphrasing:  Both Houses of Congress and Pres. Trump need to work as fast as possible delivering fundamental results, especially with securing the border and preventing the Democrats’ $4-trillion 2026 tax increase, if Congress doesn’t act in 2025.