Last week (Nov. 14, 2022), Biden quietly and deceptively called the COVID-19 “emergency” to be extended to March 2023. Bad things happen during an “emergency” … even if it is a false one. Committee To Unleash Prosperity said:

“It is an abuse of power that ruins lives. For some states, it means shutting down businesses, schools, churches, playgrounds, parks, restaurants, etc., with almost no health benefits whatsoever. As we have pointed out many times, lockdowns did incalculable and long-lasting damage to our kids, small businesses and Americans’ mental and physical health.”

“The issue of lockdowns has become so toxic that Democrat governors, who were once militaristic lockdown advocates, are rewriting history and accusing Republicans and Trump for the shutting down of our economy. In many cases, these accusations are flat-out false.”

“Trump made mistakes for sure in dealing with COVID, but he also made a critically important and life-saving decision that goes completely unappreciated. In April 2020, he rightly deferred to the 9th and 10th Amendments of the Constitution and allowed the states to make their own decisions about how they wanted to deal with the virus.”

“The result with a few exceptions was that red state governors opened up their economies and blue states stayed shut down. The subsequent impact on deaths was negligible, but the red states’ economies recovered quickly in jobs and economic output while the blue states’ economies remain to this day comatose.”