
Folks have told me, “This is a scary time,” and “The world is a
dangerous place.”  Allow me to say that the world has always been a
scary place and time is the most deadly adversary.

While the world awaits news of a solution to the problems related to
Covid-19 I have some good news for you.  You have much more power than
you are given credit for or believe.  Your body is much better at
handling toxins and pathogens than you know.  Your body fights off
things, many self-induced, every day.  And there are things you can do
to help your body, boost your immune system, improve your well-being
and which will reduce the likelihood of your body being overcome by
the symptoms brought on by the virus, if you do become infected.

Be advised:  I am not an expert on anything.  Most of the information
offered here was obtained by a brief consultation with the
pretty-much-not-evil, semi-powerful demi-god known as Google.

1. Get your rest.  Your body does it’s best healing, digesting,
flushing of toxins, and cleansing of infections when you are in a
relaxed state.  Whether that is sleeping, lounging, meditating or just
closing your eyes.  The world and all of the attendant chaos can go on
around you without your concern of immediate attention.  You can be
aware of it and remain relaxed, if that is what you tell yourself.
You have power.  You gain more power when relaxed and rested.
2. Stay hydrated.  We have the best water system in the world.  It is
not perfect.  Our water is disinfected, not purified.  Bottled water
is most often just the same, or more polluted, as what comes from your
taps, disinfected rather than purified.  Your body is 70% water.  Put
the best water that you can get into your body.  And drink enough
water so that what you discharge is odorless and colorless, at least
one time daily.
3. Eat well.  Your body needs fuel.  Give it the best fuel you can
find.  Whether your hunt/gather exploits take you to the back yard,
the riverbank, or the local IGA, take the good stuff and leave the bad
stuff alone.  Be discriminating about what you consume.  If you rely
solely on your instinct you will gorge on comfort foods.  You must
exercise your power of will and use your intellect to make yourself
eat what is good for you.  Your food need not be bland.  Spices add
micro-nutrients as well as flavor.  Local honey adds sweetness and
resistance to allergies.
4. Supplement wisely.  Herbs and vitamins are meant to complement a
good diet.  Asking them to make up for a poor diet is more than can be
expected.  All metals are toxic to some degree.  Of course, we need
Iron, Zinc, Copper and Magnesium but too much is too much.  The same
is true of Silver.  If your skin starts to turn grey or blue; you have
done too much.  Garlic has been shown to reduce the incidence of colds
and flu.  Whether this is due to enhance immune system or reduced
social contact is unclear.  Echinacea, Milk Thistle, Oregano, Turmeric
and Cloves have all been shown in studies to reduce the duration of
colds and flu, although the results are considered by the medical
community to be of minor statistical significance.  Still, these
supplements need to be treated as medicine and used accordingly.
Taking an aspirin a day may be good for reducing stroke hazard but
then they don’t work so well for headaches.
5. Exercise.  It is not necessary to train for the Olympics.  Just
getting out of the house and into the sunshine helps.  On a typical
day under the Big Sky our local star gives off an abundance of
ultra-violet light.  Every fifteen minutes all the blood in your body
passes through your eyes.  A certain amount of that ultra-violet light
is going to bounce around and get into your eyes and act as a
purifying agent for your blood.  Most glass and especially eyeglasses
block UV rays, so you may want to take your glasses off for a half
hour stroll around the neighborhood.
6. Reduce stress.  We know that stress is bad but many of the means
employed to reduce stress are just as stressful for the immune system.
Alcohol, tobacco, sugar, fats, lethargy and worry are all bad for the
immune system.  It turns out that the Reader’s Digest was certainly
right about one thing; Laughter is the best medicine and the perfect
way to reduce stress.
7. Manage your condition.  Every body has got something going on.  If
you haven’t got some dread disease or malady yet, one will be assigned
to you shortly.  Whatever has given out, or is in the process of
giving out, the energy that your body must use to get along with that
condition reduces the energy which could go to boosting your immune
system.  So, take care of your problem as well as you can and let your
body do what it must.
8. State control.  Your faith and state of mind have much to do with
your health.  By faith I mean what you believe and think rather than a
religious dogma.  If you think you will get ill, your subconscious
mind listens to everything you tell yourself and will do what it can
to bring about that upon which you focus, and… you will get ill.  You
have power and can control that.  What is needed are reminders and a
technique I will share with you.
You are powerful.  As a human being you are at the top of the food
chain on this planet.  As a species you have survived for thousands
upon thousands of years.  Your body is designed to adapt to whatever
conditions this planet throws at it.  As a person your immune system
has overcome bacteria, viruses, pollutants, toxins, infestations,
irritants and will continue to do so.  Your body has amazing powers.
Therefore, you have amazing powers.

Now.  Stand up or sit up straight.  Close your eyes.  Take a deep
breath, let it our slowly and feel yourself relax.  Think of a time
when you were completely happy.  A time when you felt absolutely
confident that this was as good as life can get.  Remember that space
of time and feel those feelings.  See the event with your mind’s eye.
Hear those sounds.  Taste those tastes.  Smell those smells.
Luxuriate in the moment.  Open your eyes.  Repeat as necessary.

Happy trails,  Arvin