“Dad who lost child in shooting unleashed on Biden after seeing video: ‘Don’t Use My Daughter’s Death to Advance Your Political Agenda’.”

“In a scathing Twitter post, responding to Biden’s Feb. 14, 2023 address about the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Ryan Petty continued, ‘It’s because of your politicized FBI, failed Obama era school discipline policies and a Sheriff that cared more about his image in the community than enforcing the law, a maniac was allowed to attack a school. Try learning what really happened!’.” www.westernjournal.com

It’s become almost a tradition for Biden to use the Parkland killings to push his agenda. If Democrats want to keep going to this well, they’re going to keep choking on the facts. Broward County School District’s policies for student discipline stemmed from Obama’s desire to “avoid law enforcement for criminal behavior” to cover-up the “school-to-prison pipeline” and cowardly local law enforcement.

Why? Obama, Wokesters and the politically correct crowd are more interested in statistics that make their schools look good than in actual student safety. If heeded, warnings to the FBI could have potentially averted the shooting. Starting at the top, DOJ Garland and Wray’s FBI are corrupt and incompetent. Of course, after the shooting, Democrats began their incessant ranting about the need for more gun control. In other words, they’re incompetent and have little regard for the Second Amendment.