In 2020, the U.N. mandated its Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to present recommendations for advancing ‘Our Common Agenda’. His 2021 response was “We must recognize that humanity’s very future depends on solidarity, trust and our ability to work together as a global family to achieve common goals. No community or country, however powerful, can solve its challenges alone. Multi-lateral action has achieved an enormous amount over the past 75 years. “Our Common Agenda must be a starting point for ideas and initiatives that build on these achievements.” Guterres continued, “Our Common Agenda” report is a wake-up call about the risks we face.” What’s this “we” stuff? Agenda 21 was bad enough! WAKE UP America, especially young people!

March 2022, in the “Declaration on the Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the UN”, the goal to ensure the future we want and the United Nations we need” announced 12 commitments … elitists’ OWO population control and a promise to “we will abide by international law”! It gets worse in the lengthy small print. If interested, see “Key Proposals from the UN’s ‘Our Common Agenda’ report.” [UN75 declaration] To get serious about preserving America’s sovereignty for future generations, step one must be to get the United Nations off of America’s soil.