Imperial (or so they think) Progressive Democrats (IPD), “Fake News” and social media, have been parroting and redefining words, such as “roads”, “water”, “grammar”, equality”, “parents” and labeling all new words as “racist”. Not a single Democrat, including Tester from MT (202-224-2644), has condemned their new “Woke Vocabulary” and its guidebook “Critical Race Theory” (CRT). If not checked now, K-16 Woke indoctrination will get worse and American history will be redefined to suit their sinister description … racist, unfair, horrible, feelingless. Future generations will never know that the exact opposite is true.

Sadly, it’s by design. Why? Haven’t plain English words worked fine for centuries? Sure, they have. But, in order to achieve “population control” (aka Communism), there must be confusion and chaos. Part of that process is to redefine words. It should scare everyone that the latest justice of SCOTUS is a woman, who cannot define the word “woman”. Americans are, unknowingly, being dumbed down.

Yet, Democrats, representing more than half of the country are ignoring its makeover. The word “Woke” itself has been refined and weaponized to fit their ugly narrative. It is madness! Patriots are aghast! A nightmarish legacy is fermenting. Legitimate citizens are being overly taxed while D.C. elitists of both parties spend-spend-spend! They are blindly ridiculing warnings, such as this article, referring them to fearmongering, and allowing themselves and new generations to be indoctrinated. Call congressional representatives of both parties now!