Whenever a politician says “I worked hard” … or … “I fought tirelessly” for this or that, watch out! Verbs like that are nothing more than “word salad” and for Woke-Senators, that translates into doing whatever Schumer wants them to do! One, good example was the Democrats’ cancelation of the XL Pipeline. Every Democrat Senator voted for it! They used clever “word salads” and lie-parroting to schmooze their constituents into believing that the truth was not the truth.

In Montana, Tester (202-224-2644) had the audacity to think he could dumb-down constituents by saying, “I am bitterly disappointed”. Yeah, right! Meanwhile, Daines led a legislative effort to authorize it through the Democrats’ $1.9-trillion pork bill. All it needed to pass was one vote … none of the flip-flopping Democrats, including Tester, would stand against Schumer by being that one brave patriot. Talk is cheap [see Tester’s “issues” page]. Flip-flopping Tester voted for the XL before he voted against it. He brags that he “broke with” his party and “fought tirelessly for the XL for years”. Maybe so; but what’s that got to do with anything when he voted against what he claims to have “fought” for?

Christmas week (2022), every Demo-rat voted to pass another anti-American, preposterous, 4000+ page, spending bill, which no one read. A simple CR (Continuing Resolution) would have kept the Democrats’ sugar daddy open! The answer is simple: with CRs, it’s harder to deviously, sneak in sweetheart deals. Hard working taxpayers pay the bills and should call their Democrat employees! Schumer, Pelosi and their obedient puppets, are bankrupting this great country. A Communist America would work nicely with their global ambitions. Marco Rubio said it best, “when future generations ask how this happened, the answer will be, ‘we let it happen’.”