Contrary to what Hollywood pseudo-environmental experts say, solutions for Climate Change don’t come in “one size fits all” packaging.  There are numerous differences in world terrain and weather climate such as tropical rain forest, desert, humid (sub-tropical), tundra, ice covered, mountainous and sub-arctic.  Each area has differing wind/pressure systems and annual mean precipitation (eg. Cairo receives the most minimal amount of rain, averaging 0.9 inches vs. Taipei, averaging 82.7 inches).
Worldwide topography goes from below-sea-level to over 10,000-feet-elevations consisting of umpteen land forms such as: rivers, valleys, hills, canyons, isthmus, deltas, peninsulas, islands, bays, lakes, oceans, plateaus, reefs and fjords.  Natural (not man-made) evolutionary stages of activity include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, cyclones, hurricanes, and water currents (salt and fresh).  A very long list of worldwide diversity in soil and vegetation types can be added to the list.
Ironically, the worst man-made “climate change” (if recognized as such) problems in the U.S. are in urban populations which are currently, and have been for decades, run by liberals.  Blatant, despicable examples are NYC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Philadelphia and Baltimore.  Coincidentally, they contain the most homelessness, poverty, uncleanliness, smog, private jets and crime problems.
Every year, elitist gazillionaires, who don’t have a doctorate (or any level of) degree in any climate change related subjects, fly in fossil-fueled, private and commercial jets to a climate change convention half-way around the world!  The rest of the year they continue to live globe-trotting life-styles of the rich and famous in private jets and mega-mansions, all the while dictating to the little, stupid people, on how to improve on their energy-efficiency in their homes and travel.
Here is a message from the lesser folks to the elite:
 Practice what you preach, princess.  Clean up your own back yard before you start digging into mine.