Judicial Watch has filed lawsuit after lawsuit (in the hundreds of thousands of counties across America) in an effort to clean-up voter rolls. Not only has JW found millions of dead people and non-residents on voter rolls, but it also turns out that 2020 Census counts, almost exclusively in blue states, far exceed population estimates. Why is that important? Those numbers change home sales, IRS returns and movements between states.

According to Committee to Unleash Prosperity (CTUP), “There is good reason to suspect that the counting errors cost red states like Florida, Texas and Arizona, as many as three to four congressional seats and blue states, like Illinois and New York, should probably have lost a congressional seat.” … “So our jaws dropped open when we read this headline from the Chicago Tribune: ‘Illinois finds 46,400 people missed by 2020 Census, potentially off-setting last year’s reported property decline’.” The ‘invisible’ people came from not counting people who live in shelters, in prison or are homeless, among other places.

CTUP continued, “You wouldn’t think a state would want to boast about these high numbers of indigents and criminals. But Illinois Gov. Pritzker is celebrating that this recount will bring tens of millions more federal welfare dollars to his state.”