1/6 Committee Scam … “insurrectionists” began entering capitol before Trump finished speaking. Antifa, Black Lives Matter and Oathkeepers led the charge. Capitol police removed barriers and opened the doors for most people … one window was broken. One person was point-blank murdered … Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed Air Force lady-veteran (15 years). Pelosi said no charges. Imagine if she’d been black and her killer had been white! Ray Epps and other Pelosi plants have mysteriously disappeared. Pelosi and Schumer had advance intel that there would be trouble. Trump offered 20,000 national guardsmen for protection, but they said “no”!

No due process is allowed with this 1/6 Committee scam. The only two Republicans on the committee are major RINOs, who hate Trump with a passion. Neither one will be re-elected as a result of their despicable behavior. This is just one more Democrat anti-Trump drama. Trump disrupts their evil plans every time. Pelosi won’t rest until he’s behind bars. The entire world sees the lack of due process and pure hate coming from America. Every democrat should be ashamed and should complain to any of their Democrat representatives! In Montana, that would be Jon Tester (202-224-2022).