To anyone, who wants to watch Trump’s rallies, download RSBN’s app. With the Left’s communication arm, ie. Big Tech and Fake News, censoring all-things-Trump, RSBN covers his rallies. Recently, YouTube censored RSBN, so that Americans (and the world) don’t have to burden themselves with watching Trump rallies … after all, it’s “hate-speech” (according to YouTube)! NewsMax continues to cover them as well. So, to anti-Trumpers, too bad … Backfire! Foiled again!

Hooray for the good guys and gals! Like the Ukrainians, we’ll continue to take back our country despite being outgunned! Every time they do something that’s anti-American, especially anti-First Amendment, anti-Second Amendment, anti-Tenth Amendment and anti-Fourteenth Amendment, such as cancelling RSBN, they expose themselves.

It’s too bad that most people (conservative and liberal) refuse to cancel Facebook (Meta, or whatever they’re calling themselves these days), Twitter and YouTube accounts. Wikipedia and Google aren’t far behind the obvious ones when it comes to “cancel culture”! Patriots should cancel accounts and advertising with them ASAP. We are at war, domestically and globally!