For years, Bowe Bergdahl’s captors demanded the release of the “Taliban Five” in exchange for him. The Taliban Five were the worst-of-the-worst, hate-America Muslims held at Guantanamo. During that time, Obama was busy releasing, namby-pamby, bad guys. After all, emptying Guantanamo was a campaign promise.

In 2014, Republicans, intel agencies and the National Security Council warned Obama that a prisoner exchange deal (Bergdahl for the Taliban Five) would threaten Americans around the world. Obama favored it as “a confidence-building step toward peace with the Taliban” and said, “I wouldn’t be doing it if I thought it was contrary to national security”.

Proudly, Obama announced publicly that he had secured the release of a hero. No, Obama, Bergdahl was a deserter and a traitor. It was a blunder of monumental proportions. The Commander of the United States was clueless. Combat soldiers know the difference between those who stand and those who run.

Fast forward to Biden. Every week, Jen Psaki spins one-after-another national security blunders of epoch proportions into something else. Neither We the People, nor America’s allies and adversaries, are stupid.