Blue States continue to be disasters. Their Covid lockdowns had very
little impact on health. Sadly, though, those policies created lasting harm on a
generation of children. Many small businesses went belly-up. Droves of big
businesses moved to Red States with millions of good jobs in tow. Even
though minimum wages soared, especially for unionized industries, people
still struggled with Blue States, off-the-charts, cost of living increases.

Nowadays, Blue States are mere shells of their former selves. Geographically beautiful Blue States, which used to depend on tourism, have suffered unimaginable crime surges and ever-expanding homeless
encampments to such a point that people neither want to visit nor to live in

Unfortunately, Blue State governors, like California’s Gavin Newsom, think
the solution for retaking normalcy is to throw money at their self-created
nightmares. Money comes from taxation. With fewer people to tax, the
the remaining people have to pay more. The cruelest tax of all is inflation, which affects everyone. Any politician,
who says people who make less than $400,000/year won’t pay more taxes, is a liar
of the worst kind