After revisiting the US/MX open border, Montana’s Sen. Daines issued the following statement on Oct. 11, 2023:

“The crisis on our southern border is breaking records left and right and make no mistake, it is a direct result of President Biden’s reckless, irresponsible open-border policies. The flood of illegal immigrants and deadly drugs is turning every state into a border state and enough is enough. While Democrats continue to turn a blind eye to a crisis of their own creation, I’m visiting the southern border to get a firsthand look at the crisis and hear from folks on the ground what needs to be done to secure our southern border.”

Because Daines can “walk and chew gum at the same time”, he and 20 of his Republican colleagues wrote a letter to Biden, requesting that he immediately re-freeze the Iranian accounts containing the $6-billion, which was part of his ransom deal … greenlighting future hostage-taking deals. Biden said today (10/11/2023) that it could easily be refrozen, so why hasn’t he? The first part of the senators’ letter begins with,

“To stand and allow Iran access to these funds as Hamas infiltrates Israel and murders, mutilates countless Israelis is unconscionable. Our administration claims these funds are only available for humanitarian use, but money is fungible, and there is a significant risk they could be used to further efforts by Iran or Hamas against Israel. Moreover, allowing $6-billion to flow into Iran’s economy, even if the purpose is for humanitarian aid, allows the Iranian regime to reallocate even more funds to supporting terrorism. …”