Jan. 13, 2022, the Supreme Court decided on Biden’s insane VAX-mandate. His dystopian cruelty against private businesses with 100-plus employees was that they and their employees had to either receive the VAX or submit to regular testing … essentially, employees fired, and businesses subjected to outrageous fines and penalties. Worse yet, even if employees wanted to obey, it would be difficult to comply. There weren’t, and still aren’t, enough testing kits to heed his empirical demand. Recently, he gushed with pride that he had ordered 500,000 kits. Weekly testing would deplete that in no time flat. That SCOTUS decision was a win for personal freedom!

It’s doubtful that younger generations, who have only been adults for 20-40 years, even know what “dystopian” means. It is a regime … typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic … where people are unhappy (actually, miserable) because they are not treated fairly. Is that the direction to which government elitists want for American citizens? Biden’s rules, regs, mandates, and other orders to the little people give the impression that it is exactly what they want!