Democrats, under both Obama and Biden, continue to sell out hard-working, tax-paying American-citizens. Obama’s deliverer was caught red-handed under the cover of darkness, providing Iranian Ayatollahs with enough $$-billions of cash to fill-up a large plane. Even as it was being unloaded in Teheran, Iranians of all ages were dancing in the streets and chanting “death to America!”. That is undisputedly documented! Like Biden and Obama, the Democrats’ foreign policy is one of “appeasement”. [see Gen. Keane’s “wake-up!” message!] They are endangering American citizens.

On Day 1, Biden removed the terrorist designation of Houthis (one of Iran’s terrorist proxies). Even though Iran is the leading funder of global terrorism, Biden has quietly enriched Iran by more than $50-billon. That’s not including the $6-billion held frozen in Qatar. He removed Trump’s choke-holding sanctions on Iran. Among Iran’s other proxies are Hamas and Hezbollah. On Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas unleashed unprovoked hell on Israel, brutally slaughtering and torturing more than 1200 innocents. They beheaded and burned-alive babies while raping their mothers. Proof of that Iran-financed savagery is available.

Trump and MAGA Republicans continue to fight for America’s sovereignty. But, Biden and other Democrats (including Tester in MT 202-224-2644) continue to fight against them. More than 70 American military bases in Syria have been attacked by Iran-financed air strikes [see Senate’s Armed Services Committee … chaired by Tester]. Despite Republican outcry, U.S. retaliation has consisted of three counter-attacks on near-empty Syrian warehouses. Biden’s has allowed-in more than 8-million, unvetted illegals. An evil attack on this country is inevitable. Yet, Democrats’ silence is deafening.