HELENA, Mont. – Within hours of the 46th President assuming office, President Biden signed an executive order to revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, costing Montana thousands of jobs, and tens of millions of dollars in yearly tax revenue. Hours later, President Biden caved to the Left and halted nearly all deportations for 100 days, even for those charged with or convicted of crimes.

To the detriment of Montana, President Biden has abandoned bipartisanship promises by implementing the radical Democrats’ agenda with the stoke of a pen since day one.

At the direction of Attorney General Austin Knudsen, Montana is suing the Biden Administration for taking these unilateral, executive actions that fly in the face of our interests and the overwhelming majority of Montanans that rejected the radical left last November.

MTGOP Chairman Don “K” Kaltschmidt released the following statement in response:

“President Biden’s actions are a complete reversal from the last administration’s America First policies, and it’s clear his Keystone XL cancellation and open borders policies have nothing to do with serving the American people and everything to do with advancing the liberal wish list to appease the radical left,” said Chairman Don “K” Kaltschmidt. “Not only are these far-left policies devastating for our state, but they are the same ideals the overwhelming majority of Montanans rejected less than six months ago. Thankfully, Montana’s lawyer, Attorney General Austin Knudsen, is standing up for Montanans and taking the Biden Administration to court for these dangerous partisan actions.”

Montana and Texas Leading 21-State Lawsuit to Block Biden’s Keystone Cancellation

Attorney General Knudsen today announced Montana is co-leading a 21-state lawsuit to block Biden’s unlawful, unconstitutional decision to overturn a permit granted by an Act of Congress via executive order by revoking the Keystone XL construction permit.

In Montana, the Keystone XL pipeline has had bipartisan support for years because it would create thousands of good-paying Montana jobs and generate millions in annual local tax revenue for Montana’s rural communities and schools. But on day one, President Biden decided to kill an estimated 3,700 direct construction jobs in Montana with approximately $127 million in employment earnings by choosing radical environmentalists over hardworking Montanans and blue-collar workers.

“The power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce belongs to Congress – not the President. This is another example of Joe Biden overstepping his constitutional role to the detriment of Montanans,” Attorney General Knudsen said. “There is not even a perceived environmental benefit to his actions – his attempt to cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline is an empty virtue signal to his wealthy coastal elite donors. It shows Biden’s contempt for rural communities in Montana and other states along the pipeline’s path that would benefit from and support the project.”

Montana Challenges 100-Day Deportation Pause

Montana joined a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) last week over its dangerous immigration policy and filed a motion for preliminary injunction asking the court to stop the DHS’s policies from being implemented.

In a filed declaration, DOJ Division of Criminal Investigation Administrator Brian Lockerby states that nearly all of the methamphetamine available in Montana originates in Mexico from drug cartels. Law enforcement has confirmed via arrests that cartel members were smuggling meth into Montana. Biden’s 100-day deportation pause is likely to “increase the infusion of drugs into Montana, increase drug-related violent and property crimes, and harm the State’s effort to promote public safety and health.”

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Paid for by the Montana Republican State Central Committee.
Mike Hopkins, Treasurer. PO BOX 935 Helena, MT 59624.