The Ayatollah claims that Iran is very close to having a nuclear device, which could target the United States and, easily, Israel. Maybe true; maybe not. But, still, Iran is a very dangerous part of the world. There has already been an uptick in attacks by Iran-backed terrorists in Israel. With 160 nations of illegals flowing across the US/MX border, we have no idea how many have made their way here. Naïve Obama gave Iran $-billions. Even before the US’s delivery-plane left the tarmac, Iranians of all ages were dancing in the streets chanting ‘Death to America’. Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorists in the world.

Biden wants to remove Trump’s sanctions on Iran … treason! It is guesstimated that such an anti-America, anti-Israel move would put millions of lives at risk, especially in Israel. According to US/MX Border Patrol, more than 50 people on the Terrorist Watch List have been apprehended and there is no way of knowing how many “got-aways” have slithered-in.

Democrats in the House and Senate, along with Biden and his administration, claim the US/MX border is closed. Stop the Ayatollah’s terror network from killing more innocent people in America and Israel immediately. If your state has a Democrat in either house of Congress, call him/her and tell them that their oath requires national safety over party. In Montana, that would be Jon Tester (202-224-2644). If he is not in, he may be making movies with Cory Booker (check-out the taxpayer-funded absurdity on YouTube/Jon Tester).