No one could say it better than Stephen Moore in “Committee to Unleash Prosperity, Issue #950, 2/6/2024” …

“On Immigration. It’s Evil vs. the Stupid Party. Does anyone recall a border crisis when Trump was president? SERIOUSLY! Today’s border crisis began on exactly Jan. 21, 2021 – the day of Joe Biden’s inauguration when he opened the border to any and all who wanted to come. So why are Republicans in the Senate making this at all complicated by negotiating a half-witted $118-billion ‘bipartisan deal’ with five moving parts? We will remind readers that any C student 4th grader could understand. Under Trump, a controlled border. Under Biden, chaos.”

“This is a president who didn’t want to finish building the wall; who is welcoming illegal immigrants into the country with minimal effort at enforcement; who is instructing the federal border agents to cut wire fences that Texas erected to try to deter illegal entries; and has made illegal immigrants eligible for welfare benefits.”

“Democratic governors and mayors declared themselves to be sanctuary cities/states … an open invitation for illegals to come. They’ve passed laws making illegals eligible for government benefits. Now NY, IL and CA are demanding federal taxpayer dollars to pay for the care of the migrants that they said would greet with open arms.”

“Squad” member Tlaib, warned that to not do so would “create a separate and unequal system of justice”. “With a straight face this morning that Republicans are the ones who are blocking border security”. “That’s a cockamamie scheme”. “All Biden needs to do is ENFORCE THE LAW and put back in place the Trump border policies that Biden repealed … period! Biden has created a humanitarian, fiscal and national security calamity.”