Every idea-backfire, which Democrats and RINOs propose, is blamed on Republicans. Not long ago, Biden, Fake News, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Davos, and the rest of the devious, America-Last, bunch of so-called “Climate Change” experts, went after gas stoves. Biden’s “Energy Secretary”, Jennifer Granholm, led the charge. But, once the initiative became laughable, realizing that the best chefs in the world use gas stoves, they flipped into blame-game-on mode against conservatives. Sadly, by then, millions of malleable voters couldn’t see the truth.

In the summer of 2020, Democrats’ #1 donor, George Soros, paid activists, like Antifa and Black Lives Matter, to intimidate innocent citizens and to march against police, using their “defund police” chant … “Pigs in a blanket. What do we do? Fry’em like bacon”. It resulted in more than 450 riots, 25 dead police officers, hundreds of injured innocents and $-billions worth of property damage. Demo-crats and their Fake News pretended it never happened. Others blamed Republicans for backing the blue. Democrats blamed Republicans.

There have been many Democrat-instigated, deadly incidents, which back-fired. Then, they blamed Trump and his supporters. They desperately tried to prove Donald Trump guilty of colluding with the Russians. Taxpayers paid $-billions for Democrats attempts to prove it. The 20-plus, hate-Trump lawyers examined 11-million documents. Trump supporters were tortured with Soviet-style solitary confinement and threats of hurting loved ones if they wouldn’t confess/lie about anti-Trump activity. They came-up with nothing against Trump. But, now, huge amounts of verified evidence has surfaced that Biden colluded with Chinese, Ukrainians, Russians and other enemy countries. Democrats were doing what they accused Trump of doing!