Where is everybody? Biden? Harris? Blinken? Klain? Yellen? Granholm? Raimondo? Vilsack? Austin? We know where Atty. Gen. Garland is, even though we don’t know why. He’s in Ukraine, allegedly to investigate war crimes … never mind that there’s been an attempt to murder a SCOTUS justice and he’s being further intimidated by Democrats’ Roe vs. Wade paid protestors at his home. No interest in prosecuting crime … only political opponents.

In the middle of various transportation crises … broken supply chains, trucker revolts, missing essential products, and thousands of air flights cancelled, no one has seen Buttigieg or his wife. He took off a couple of months for father- paternity leave. Thousands of staff under his Dept. of Transportation complain that he occasionally zoom-calls them to berate them for not doing a good job! Sometimes, Buttigieg holds a made-for-tv lecture to the American people that they should buy electric vehicles if they want cheaper transportation.

If anyone, who voted for Biden, complains about food/other shortages, crime, inflation (soaring gas prices), transportation disasters, unlawful mandates, lack of due process (2 different justice systems), bank account seizures, 401k (& pensions, sinking like a rock), open borders (fentanyl overdoses) and all his other messes, tell them that their pathetic vote and Democrat elitists did this to all of us. People are dying! Start by patriotically calling Democrat representatives. In Montana, that would be Jon Tester 202-224-4467.