The Squad started it with their idiotic, anti-American “Green New Deal”. Nov. 2022, Biden made it an official agenda for the Democrats in their pursuit of Socialism, heading America closer and closer to Communism. It’s payback for Gorge Soros’s massive quid quo pro donations to the Democrat Party. What Soros wants, Soros gets. Here’s what Committee to Unleash Prosperity had to say about it.

“… the latest words of wisdom from our confused president: ‘No one is building new coal plants because they can’t rely on it. We’re going to be shutting these plants down across America and having wind and solar.’ We hope the people in Ohio and Pennsylvania were listening. We still get nearly one-third of our electric power from coal – 4 times more than from inefficient wind and solar power.”

“China is powering a rapid industrial expansion on fossil fuels, building dozens of NEW coal plants. How does it prevent global warming if every time we shut down a plant, China builds a new one or two? Coal plants are cleaner all the time. In 2020, Trump’s Dept. of Energy issued a report which found, ‘coal-fired electricity is cleaner than ever. Research shows that a new coal plant with pollution controls reduces nitrogen oxide by 83%, sulfur dioxide by 98% and particulate matter by 99.8, as compared to plants without control’. Clean coal is here in America. Can someone please tell Biden?”