Biden makes it up as he goes along … even when an answer is written in black and white with large font on the podium in front of him. Some press conference today (Jan. 19, 2022). He squeezed his eyelids together to see the name of who he would call on next. Every Fake News outlet was allowed to ask a prepared question. Biden would look down at the prepared answers … sometimes he was looking down for several minutes at a time. So pathetic. It is hard to believe that there are people, who voted for him, who still stand by him and his Obama 3.0 cabinet.

He compared MLK Jr to George Floyd and got away with it! Are you kidding me?! George Floyd was a criminal and a drug addict. He said, “Even Dr. King’s assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd’s death had.” He has compared the Republican Party to “segregationists”. The sad thing is that this is how Democrats are changing history, making people believe that the horrible racist Democrats of the past are the Republicans of today.  Democrats are still the racists. Biden’s, now deceased, best friend was Sen. Robert Burr (grand poopah of KKK and a Democrat).

By the time Jen Psaki gets hold of Biden’s nonsense, the 180-degree spin has catapulted the truth into a monumental lie. That’s how liberal indoctrination turns into “history” for future generations. Last week, Pelosi openly admitted that she and her cronies had invited history teachers and professors into the U.S. Capitol to instruct them on her version of “accurate history”.