Nothing else can be said except shame on the 18 Senate Republicans (aka RINOs) and every Democrat (including Tester 202-224-2644), who voted for the 4,155 pages, $1.7-tril. omnibus package, allegedly for defense and domestic spending. It’s doubtless that any of the Senators read the bill before voting for it. Sens. Rand Paul, Rick Scott and Mike Braun (ID) were outspoken against it, arguing that there was not enough time to read the heavy-laden pork bill.

Mitch McConnel (long time, establishment RINO) led the charge for Republicans. Where are “term limits” and empathy when We the People need them? The Senate Republicans, who sold taxpayers down the preferable river, were Sens. Blunt, Boozman, Capito, Collins, Cornyn, Cotton, Graham, Inhofe, McConnell, Moran, Murkowski, Portman, Romney, Rounds, Shelby, Thune, Wicker and Young. Tom Cotton and John Cornyn were the biggest “surprises”.

Among the heavily earmarked items were family planning, reproductive health, biodiversity, creation of a pandemic czar, centers that support LGBTQ students and New York Historical Society’s American LGBTQ+ Museum Partnership Project. After feeding the varied partisan monsters, $-billions have a tendency to disappear in the aftermath of spending sprees.

Of course, there are hundreds of other pieces of nonsense. The co-signers get re-elected if they “take home a lot of bacon”. Republicans are supposed to be better than that. Slowly, Democrats turned into the “party of labor bosses”. Republicans became the party for union members and blue-collar workers. Neither Democrats, nor those 18 Republicans, seemingly, have the slightest idea about what’s happening at the border, in grocery stores, at kitchen tables and with small business survival. It is not supposed to happen in America!