Ocasio-Cortez released her ambitious, legislative framework for a “Green New Deal” with no price tag.  It’s warily regarded by many as a socialist power grab and so absurd that it’s hard to believe anyone would take AOC seriously; but, unabashedly, Democrats do.  Her math, like everything else about her, is shaky and childish.  It’s too early for a CBO (Congressional Budget Office) consult, but, each of her multiple saving-the-planet demands will cost $$-tens-of-trillions.  Scarier yet, all five Democrats, who have declared presidential ambitions, endorse her preposterous plan (ie. Bernie Sanders, Spartacus, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris and Pocahontas).  Oh; and, they all want to take-away the “crumbs” of Pres. Trump’s tax cuts.  This is scary stuff … see rovingreporter.org’s article called “Venezuela”.

AOC wants to abolish planes, cars and trucks; she prefers “high-speed trains” … Warren Buffet might go for it!  She, especially, wants to get rid of cows, because “they fart”  (her exact words) and their flatulence takes-up too much CO2!  She calls for “an upgrade or replacement of every building in the U.S. for state-of-the-art energy efficiency.”  [Note:  “every building in the U.S.” includes houses! ].   Her cohorts believe that such repairs and updates are reasonable.  AOC declared that the world will end in 12 years if Americans don’t immediately enact her 14 pages of wisdom.  As for Hollywood, Michael Moore expressed his sadness that she’s too young to run for president in 2020.   
Sen. Barrasso, who chairs the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Work, blasted it as “a raw deal for the American taxpayers.  It’s a socialist manifesto that lays out a laundry list of government giveaways..”   For some inexplicable reason, AOC has become the darling of the Democrat Party.  As Democrats have already begun to take a hard left turn, even Nancy Pelosi hopped on AOC’s radical bandwagon.  She gave her a spot on the very powerful House Committee on Finance.  Its chair is Maxine Waters! That combination ought to send chills up and down everyone’s spines.  Prayers have never been so important as now. During the Obama era, Democrats got-away with police-state actions.  LaVoy Finicum was murdered and members of the Bundy family were wrongfully imprisoned without due process for over a year.  So, going for a radical, Socialist proposal is not outside of the realm of possibilities for Democrats.  They’re either stupid or are deliberating taking our growing economy off of a cliff, bankrupting our nation.  They hate Trump more than they want to help our country.  That’s exactly how it started in Venezuela.      
AOC wants Medicare for all (estimated at $34-trillion), free retirement, free income (even for someone, who isn’t interested in working), free housing, free energy, free education … free everything.  Of course, none of her absurd ideas include specifics or budgets.  For openers, AOC claims that funding could come from a 70% tax on the wealthy, who are “at the tippy-tippy-top”.  Add that to Kamala’s plan to eliminate all private healthcare, taking-away health insurance and private doctors for 117-million legal Americans.  She says “just get rid of all of that middle-man stuff.”  
These Socialists have already vehemently parroted that they want open borders with illegals having anything and everything that they want, including voting rights.   Add that to Pocahontas’s 2% tax increase on the “wealthy”.  It’s exactly how the crisis in Venezuela began.