A Woman Scorned …
One of the nasty little secrets of Pres. Trump’s grounding Pelosi and her Congressional Delegation of seven, well-paid Democrats, on their way to Afghanistan and Brussels, is that they weren’t the only ones going.  Six of them were already on-board the government van when the president stopped them from using taxpayer-funded transportation to Andrews Air Force Base.  There, they’d hop onto a military airplane for a luxurious, all airplane-expenses-paid (ie. gourmet food, beverages, pilot, co-pilot, stewardesses, Air Traffic Controllers and Secret Service) trip to “Afghanistan and Brussels”.  But, then, gotcha!  Turns-out that 86 of their friends and relatives would be joining them on the taxpayers’ dime during a government shutdown … Swamp perks!
Pelosi’s “government-funded” itinerary included a quick, first stop, at a safe air-base in Afghanistan to say “hi!” to the combat-deployed American troops.  Her pea-brain (that’s a nice noun) saw that as excuse-enough for using America’s military equipment and services.  Conscience-satisfied, by that stop, all 93 of them would fly on over to Brussels for “refueling” and shopping, shopping, shopping and more shopping!  After all, that’s what DC flotsam and jetsam are used to doing.  She was furious and sooooo busted!
Her selfish nonsense, especially while furloughed government employees suffered and a border crisis loomed, is a shining example of why the American people are sick of Congress.  The American people are not as stupid as she, Schumer and their puppets, think.  Neither the American people, nor Pres. Trump, are fooled by Pelosi or the Fake News that enables Swamp creatures to get-away with their arrogance.  They’d have us to believe that there’s no border crisis and there’s another 10,000-strong “caravan” (euphemism for “invasion”) headed our way.  So, why be at the negotiating table to help the “little people”?  Why stick around the Swamp to put the president’s reopen-the-government bill on the floor of the House?  Let them eat cake!    What she, most definitely, doesn’t “get” is that Pres. Trump saved her political bacon.