Caravan Crisis on our Southern Border
For Dems, everything seems to be about selfish, political semantics.  Today, “caravans” is a euphemism for “dangerous invasion”.  Judicial Watch, law enforcement, ICE, border patrol agents and assortment of intel ops, are embedded in the thousands of migrants coming from Central America.  Way better than Schumer and Pelosi, they know its make-up; they see what’s happening and what bad guys are part of it.  Compared to the number of able-bodied men, there are few women and children.  And, wickedly, they are kept at the front of the crowd when rock-throwing attacks begin.  There’s nothing “manufactured” according to better intel than Schumer and Pelosi.
Tuesday, Jan. 8th, Pres. Trump gave a compelling Oval Office address.  It was intel-fact-based.  There is a dangerous crisis on our southern border.  We must have a barrier as part of any national border security plan.  Schumer/Pelosi’s response was preposterous.  They looked and acted like a couple of Do-Do Birds, scrunched-together behind a podium for one.  As usual, they blame the president for “manufacturing” a crisis.  It’s their “MO”.  They continue to think that we, the little people, are stupid enough to believe whatever they say about anything.  Oddly, before Mr. Trump was Pres. Trump, they, along with Sen. Obama and Hillary, stressed the need for a “barrier” on the southern border for immediate national security.  Flip-flop!
On tv, we’ve seen the rock-throwing attacks on our brave law enforcement.  It could not be more crystal clear that Schumer/Pelosi are either the stupidest people in Congress or they think that we are stupid enough to believe what they’re selling.  And, what they’re selling is anti-Trump … no matter what he does for us.  Since their for-the-wall days, two things are different:  (1) Trump is president and they hate him; and (2) turns-out that they can use illegals for new voters.  They’ve become experts on voter fraud.  As a result, it’s guess-timated that, during Obama’s administration, as many as 22-million illegals may have been registered to vote.
Mexico has already paid for the wall in spades.  They can’t win that argument.  We’re not so stupid as to believe that Mexico’s president would just hand-over a check for payment in full.  For every illegal we don’t have to support, we save multi-millions.  When illegals work for low cash here, they send all of it home to Mexico.  If they’re not able to work here legally, Mexico loses again.  If illegal families stay here for life, we pay billions for their free healthcare, free K-12 education and every other benefit imaginable  …  actually more than legal Americans can receive.
But, that’s not the only cost.  How much is a single, legal American life cost?  Tell the families of relatives, who have been slain by an illegal, what that cost is.  Hannity says “how many more legal Americans have to die before we build a wall and pay for more border security?”  We must cut-back the horrific number of drugs and human trafficking coming across the border.  During Obama’s administration, as many as 10,000 unaccompanied minors landed on our doorstep.  If they weren’t trafficked, we had to provide shelter and food; hence the “cages”, as fake news refers to them.  
Since this article was written, yet another caravan (invasion) of 10,000 strong is forming and headed to our southern border, embedded with terrorists, gang members, and drug dealers.
 Caravan “Invasion” Up-Date:
                                        One caravan (with 2000+ migrants) from Central America  has arrived
                                        at Queretaro, MX.  Another one (with 2500+ migrants) has made it to
                                        Queretaro, MX.  On a regular basis, additional caravans are being formed
                                        (starting from Honduras).  One (with unknown number of migrants … at
                                        least several thousands) is scheduled to leave Central America (headed
                                        for U.S.) on Feb. 7th; still another one is forming, hoping to leave during
                                        mid-February.  Each one is expected to be bigger than the one before