In 2008, under George W. Bush, Russia invaded and annexed the country of Georgia with
nothing more than a whimper from the USA and UN. Also, under “W”, America
became involved in an undeclared war against Iraq and Afghanistan.

In 2014, most countries, including USA under Obama, condemned Russia’s invasion of and

annexation of Crimea, a territory of Ukraine. Obama slapped
Russia with a few, non-consequential sanctions and announced to the world, “it’s
not our fight”. Obama also told Syria’s president that “genocide would be a red
line for us”. Laughing at the US’s weakness, Assad genocided Aleppo, killing and
wounding millions of human beings.

On the domestic front, Obama’s Fast &
Furious started a war on the US/MX border with Brian Terry (CBP) being its first
casualty. The White House didn’t apologize for Obama providing murderous Mexican
cartels hundreds of AKs and ARs.

When president Trump took office, things changed immediately! The Military Industrial
Complex, NASA, lobbyists and the rest of the Democrat-dominated DC Swamp,
were not happy about it. During his 4 years in office there were no new wars.

Biden and the Democrats have financed caravans of migrants to
come into America’s southern border. They arrive by the thousands, wearing
pro-Biden tee-shirts and carrying “we love Biden” signs. For legal Americans, it
goes went downhill from there. With Biden in office, Russia invaded Ukraine, Biden and the Democrats

gave $86-billion in weapons to the Taliban in Afghanistan, got 13 young
soldiers killed, left thousands of Americans and allies unprotected in Afghanistan,
left the barn door wide open on American borders, flew illegals into the country,
created a Fentanyl epidemic, gave $-billions to illegals in benefits. “Down hill” is putting it mildly.