“We can do it the easy way or the hard way.” Getting Hunter out of his criminal messes was the strongest reason for Joe to choose “the easy way”. The wheels are already churning on that lure.

Kash Patel believes that “something” will cause Joe to step-down soon. He’s too shot to be the obedient White House puppet that the “Machine” needs before his term ends. In a classic bait-&-switch, Democrats are now fighting to keep RFK jr. on the ballot, thinking it’ll hurt Trump. But, until recently, they fought tooth-&-nail to keep him off of the ballot!

Meanwhile, tens of millions of the coup’s toy soldiers (main stream media, Military Industrial Complex, Hollywood, lobbyists, ABC agencies, paid protestors, etc.) are already in place. Even in red-state Montana, cash bribes ($400-$2400) have been offered to college athletes in return for endorsing Tester. [The University of Montana’s journalism department cracked that story.] And pay close attention to the full-page lying ads Tester is putting out about Sheehy closing down rural hospitals. These are 100% scare tactics. Democrats are also counting on bribes and benefits to millions of illegals for their equally illegal votes.

More than 100 countries, including Communist dictatorships, claim to be democracies. The USA is a constitutional republic, which uses a democratic voting system. Under a republic, a land-owner can decide who can or can’t go on his property. No one Senator can universally privatize health insurance or close veterans hositals. Beware! The Democrats’ coup goes deeper than just pulling the rug out from under Joe and imprisoning political opponents. They are coming after Americans.