The #1 job of U.S. President is to keep American citizens safe! So, what is and what isn’t considered “national security protection”? Democrats (including Jon Tester) voted against XL Pipeline, fracking and all forms of new O&G drilling. On 9/4/2019, Kamala said proudly, “No question. I’m banning fracking”. They’ve severely depleted USA’s emergency energy supply! On the other hand, Trump gave America energy independence, which is a critical component to protecting Americans!

Government paying-off student debt is not a national security issue. Neither is “abortion”. Such issues should be decided at state (not federal) level.

Janet Yellen wants $78-trillion “for climate change”! Kamala and AOC want $10-billion-plus for their Green New Deal! Democrats want taxpayers to shoulder the expense of hotel rooms, food, phones, healthcare/Medicare, childcare, public education, transportation and more for tens of millions of non-American citizens … no matter how unsustainable and unimaginable the cost! Democrats’ bankrupting America with massive spending bills, increasing taxes and preposterous inflation (cruelest taxation of all) are national security issues!

Democrats’ DEI quotas within federal agencies (USSS, DOD, FBI, DOJ, CIA, DHS, etc.) are creating deadly-serious security problems. The fact that Democrats, both in the WH and down-ballot (ie. Jon Tester), don’t “get it” is horrifying! If they do “get-it” and are doing nothing (and obviously don’t care), they are not keeping Americans safe!