Senator Jon Tester votes 91% of the time with Biden. They’re both against Trump’s wall and the rest of his US/MX border protections. They approve excess spending … charging it to Montana taxpayers. They gave COVID relief checks to illegals and give endless benefits to homeless. Biden cancelled the XL Pipeline. Senator Daines wrote a bill to restore it. With only one more vote needed to pass, Tester refused to be that one vote. Then, he wrote in a newsletter that he was “disappointed” about XL’s cancellation. Tell Tester that Montanans are not stupid and they don’t like paying for his anti-Montana nonsense (202-224-2644 D.C. office).

Tester and Biden have allowed more than 11 million illegals into America, includeing criminals, mental cases and many on our “Terrorist Watch List” via their open US/MX border. They’ve purposefully allowed Communist China to buy-up land near 17 U.S. military bases and allowed 35,000-plus, military-age, Chinese men to illegally cross that open southern border. Over the last 3-1/2 years, 180 overseas military bases have been attacked and they’ve ordered little-to-no response. So, it happens again and again! They’ve depleted U.S. military and its weaponry, favoring Ukraine, Taliban and Mexican cartels.

Tester rails against Tim Sheehy for buying land in Montana! Yet, he’s said nothing about Klaus Schwab (Davos founder and One World Order proponent) buying Montana land. He said nothing about Biden’s unconstitutional, student-debt payoff, even though few recipients live in Montana.

Tester has been silent about Democrats’ lies (Hillary’s fake Steele dossier, Biden-family’s treasonous business deals, 50 intel guys’ letter and Hunter’s laptop, among others). Through it all, they’ve weaponized the DOJ … all at a huge cost to Montanan taxpayers. He’s said nothing about Biden’s electric car mandates or destruction of America’s coal/oil/gas industry which caused horrific inflation. Tester’s pro-Joe, anti-Montana list goes on and on. Don’t be fooled!