Calling Jon Tester! Where are you? Sen. Steve Daines delivers press releases several times every week. In a  particularly alarming release, “Daines blasts Biden administration for allowing deplorable living conditions for disabled veterans at Ft. Harrison. On May 17, he issued the following statement in response to news that disabled veterans were told their HUD and VA-endorsed living conditions at Ft. Harrison were dangerous enough to pose a health hazard and possibly force them to move. The Ft. Harrison Veterans Residences Limited Partnership is an Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) facilitated by the U.S. Dept. of VA and the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, which provide housing for disabled veterans and their families.”

“Joe Biden failed our disabled veterans at Ft. Harrison today. The Biden administration did not fulfill its most basic responsibility of holding the landlord accountable for the horrible conditions these veterans were forced to live in and then failed to sufficiently notify the veteran tenants of hazardous conditions. The administration may say it cares about our veterans but its actions tell a completely different story.”