The following is a Nancy’s Natterings “letter to the editor” from 6/19/2019:

MAGAs may represent “deplorables” and “smelly Wal-Mart people, who cling to
their guns and God”, but at least we’re not “gullible suckers” for whatever fake
news Pelosi, Schumer and other swamp rats spoon-feed them. They’re desperate
to convince us that Pres. Trump caused Iran’s recent provocation when he
withdrew us from Obama’s, anti-American “Iran Deal”.

Obama knew full well that Iran was the biggest funder of terrorism in the world
when he gifted its mullahs with more than $150 billion for remarkably nothing in
return … never mind that at the same time they were dancing in the streets,
chanting “death to Israel; death to America”. That gift was nothing short of
treason. We’ll never know how many beautiful, innocent souls could have been
spared if not for his “Iran Deal”.
But it gets worse. Obama, his Treasury Secretary Lew and Deputy Treas. Secy. Szubin took
lying to Congress to new heights by failing to disclose secret side deals to their
“nuclear accord”. By happenstance, Sen. Cotton and then-Rep. Pompeo stumbled
upon them at an atomic energy summit in Vienna, triggering an investigation.

Obama promised, “Iran would never obtain access to U.S. financial and commerce
systems”. Turns out, he had already authorized the conversion of hundreds of $$
billions of Iranian assets through U.S. systems. His regulators encouraged two U.S.
banks to facilitate the transactions. Both declined due to legal risks. The honesty
of those banks is a blessing. Of course, the mullahs were furious. Too bad!

Trump was, and still is, Iran’s, Russia’s, China’s, North Korea’s, the D.C. Swamp’s
worst nightmare.