Democrats accuse Republicans of crimes, which of which Democrats are guilty. They falsely held Paul Manafort in solitary confinement (torture) for a year before slamming him into a tough prison. His crime? FARA violation! Oh. And, working for Trump almost three months. A FARA violation is also one of Hunter’s most glaring alleged crimes … of course, he has yet to be charged with that one. Biden’s DOJ would never do to ten Biden family members, who pocketed $-millions (via 20 shell companies), what they did to Manafort. Why not? It’s Orwellian!

Hunter lied on a gun-app and later threw a gun into a dumpster, which was prohibitively close to a school. The gun pouch tested positive for cocaine residue. Hunter didn’t pay $-millions in taxes for years. Where and for what did Hunter receive $$-millions of income? The list of Hunter’s felonies and Joe’s lies go on and on. Hunter lives with his parents in the White House these days after he destroyed his $30,000/month rental in Malibu. Ironically, cocaine was recently found in the White House, in a well-surveilled location, but Joe’s Secret Service detectives couldn’t trace its origin! D.C. Democrats, especially the Biden family, know all of this, but must believe that the American people are stupid!

Democrats and their Fake News and social media partners-in-crime parrot “no one is above the law”, “equal justice for all” and “the rich don’t pay their fair share”! Hog wash! Joe lied repeatedly to the American people about his having “no involvement with Hunter’s business dealings”. Never mind that Hunter’s business partners are logged in as White House visitors and were part of Hunter’s phone calls to Joe. Communist countries count on state media to cover-up and, when necessary, censor opponents. And, like Democrats in the U.S., they throw dissenters in prison or off ballots. Trump is being thrown off ballots for  bogus ‘crimes’ with no charges. Democrats are right about one thing, democracy is on the 2024 ballot. Vote Republican if you want to save our republic.