Napoleon never imagined that invading Russia would lead to his exile … ditto Hitler that invading Poland would eventually lead to his suicide … ditto Sadam Hussein that invading Kuwait would eventually lead to the demise of his regime and himself. Khruschev never dreamed that JFK would thwart his plan to permanently base Russian missiles in Cuba. And, in 2016, One World Order (OWO) advocates never imagined that Trump, on a platform of “Make America Great Again”, would defeat Clinton Global Initiative!

Greed and power entice globalist-wannabes. Narcissistically, they see themselves as bulletproof and that somehow OWO can’t do without them. It’s laughable, but Hillary still thinks she’s relevant, maintaining that she won 2016’s presidential election, “Donald Trump was an illegitimate President” and “those Bible-thumping MAGAs need to be reprogrammed”. Obama watched Putin annex Crimea, reneged on a “red line” if Assad genocides Syrians and gave Iran’s Ayatollah a plane load of tax-payers’ cash. Of course, Biden is nothing more than Obama’s “third term” and a perfect Trojan Horse for people who love money and power more than America.

Trump was, and still is, a nasty fly-in-the-ointment to worldly, anti-America plans. Just as JFK, RFK and MLK had to go, so must Trump. Like Trump, they won’t bow to the global gods. When asked “what was the hardest thing about being Pres-ident?”, Trump said, “staying alive”. Many unindicted co-conspirators, including Obama, thought the “Russia Hoax” would take him down. So far, he’s still standing. God bless Trump and the American patriots who are pulling for him.