In Hillary’s latest rant, she compares trump to Hitler, claiming that he wants to throw people in jail who disagree with him! That’s rich. Democrats frequently accuse Republicans of doing what they are actually doing. She says he wants to shut down legitimate press outlets, undermine the rule of law and destroy our country’s values. Hillary still thinks she’s still relevant for something other than global money-bagging.

There is nothing illegal about questioning election results. If there were, Al Gore, Hillary, and Stacey Abrams would have gone to prison a long time ago. To this day, Hillary refuses to accept that she lost the 2016 presidential election.

Despite 24/7 negative commentary from Democrats during his presidency, Trump never suggested that his opponents and non-supporters be thrown in jail. That’s what they do in third world countries. Now, during November 2023, videos of Democrat operatives committing election interference are already surfacing.