Democrats and their Fake News partners are, as always, in lockstep and desperate to produce a victim. Last week, Buttigieg got his feelings hurt, so they sent him out on the late shows as the attack messenger against Michael Johnson, new House Speaker for having Christian beliefs and accused him of being Islamophobic.

CNN unearthed an old “Christian comment” which Johnson made in 2000, declaring that it shows how “Johnson’s views are essentially what you’d expect from a religious fundamentalist … they’re more divisive than divine.” Buttigieg whined a sob story on Colbert about there being a lot of love in his and his husband’s house. But, “Christians don’t even think that our family ought to exist”.

Can someone tell Democrats and their out-to-lunch public relations department that the American people have a lot more on their minds right now than how Buttigieg lives in a “house of love”. That is, unless their comments are of use somehow to the unprovoked Goliath attack on unarmed innocents by multiple Muslim countries in the Middle East.