Why on God’s already-green earth are Democrats allowing anti-Americans, such as the “Squad”, George Soros, anti-1st Amendment, anti-2nd Amendment, CAIR, Black Lives Matter, Antifa and anti-Jewish people, control their party? Appeasing Communist dictators, such as XI, Putin, Maduro and Jong-Un hurts Americans.  Who’s getting to pay for this treason? Biden referred to the Communist China’s spy balloon as “silly”.

Why do Democrats donate $-billions to anti-American countries, such as Iran, knowing full well it will be used to finance terrorist groups, such as Hamas and Hezbollah? Why do Democrats refuse to protect Americans with a closed border and let enemies and costly illegals come flowing in?

The anti-Republic, ludicrous Squad has successfully led the charge for global pro-Palestinian (terrorist) protests, resulting in Biden recalibrating his Israel vs. Hamas War! Why do the Democrats allow the “Squad” to lead? Who are they representing? Not America! It is insanity and extremely dangerous! How is it not treason?

The “Squad” has also convinced “gullibles” that “climate change” is the #1 threat in the world today and Democrats go right along with it! Do they not get it? God is in charge of climate, not people!

An America without God will not survive.