Unfortunately, cartel-trafficking children to be sex slaves or to be sold for body parts is primarily profitable in the U.S. Though the disgusting practice has been around forever, it grew substantially under Obama. In fact, he and his DOJ (Eric Holder) made things worse with their “Fast & Furious” scandal. Brian Terry, a border patrolman, was killed by one of their gun-gifts to the cartels.

Then, along came Trump, who pleaded with the Democrat-controlled House to pay for a “wall” to protect the 400+ miles where there was none across the US/MX border. Even though Democrats wanted it in 2006, to spite Trump, Pelosi said “never!”. Democrats obediently followed and went along with her disregard of a national security issue. Trump found a way around her, ordered materials and hired contractors. Many, but not all, miles of “wall” were built. Sadly, when Trump was not reelected, Democrats stopped it.

After almost three years of Biden, five million illegals crossed the open US/MX border, mostly where there was no wall. Biden invited the world into America. It’s guess-timated that approximately 85,000 unaccompanied minors are among the “lost”. Well-armed cartels own America’s southern border. Countless people, including a murdered border patrolman, have died. Fentanyl is flowing in, killing another 90,000 per year. Today (Aug. 8th), a cartel member was photographed crossing the Rio Grande into AZ with body armor and an AR15. Every Democrat should see “Sounds of Freedom”. It is heartbreaking to see what happens to many children. Be inspired to stop this undeclared war!