Who are these people, who make up Biden’s incompetent cabinet? Name one thing that any one of them has achieved for the American people. Has he met any of them? Probably not. So, who’s hiring them? Susan Rice? Bilderberg representatives? Who knows?! One thing is for sure. They’re not good for We the People. And, they’re, seemingly and purposefully, destroying America.

Large numbers of people are dying. One analogy, given by someone who has an interest in taking-back America, compared it to an airliner full of people dropping out of the sky daily. If that actually happened, Americans, especially the press, would take note.

The worst problem, though, is that the U.S.A. is at war with Mexican cartels and, apparently, Biden, his V.P. and cabinet seem not to recognize that FACT! American citizens are left to fend for themselves. Democrats, including Biden and Tester (202-244-2644), are taking their marching orders, not just from George Soros, unions, Big Pharma, Big Business, the wealthiest lobbyists, other large donors and the Squad. AOC says her Green New Deal needs $94-trillion. It is all about One World Order with China at the top of the pecking order. Democrats are turning America into a third world country and it won’t end well for everyday Americans.