Get ready for more of Biden’s/Obama’s disastrous policies. Biden wants people with good credit to be mandated to help people with bad credit pay off their mortgage, ie. Socialism. Biden wants “blue collar” workers to help “white collar” graduates with student loan forgiveness, ie. Socialism. Loan forgiveness would not be retroactive for people who did the right thing by paying off their student loans. Obamacare is just one more example of a pathetic use of taxpayers’ money. SCOTUS is currently determining its constitutionality.

Similarly, Obamacare was supposed to decrease the number of uninsured Americans and reduce the exorbitant cost of health insurance. It has done neither. Before voting, few read the 2572 -page bill. Pelosi said, “you have to read the bill to know what’s in the bill.” Hidden in fine print was a mandate for healthy young men to foot its cost. Socialism. People with no health care plan, who did not sign-up for Obamacare, would be slapped with a $2,000 fine, ie. Socialism. Hidden taxes and costs in Obamacare nearly crushed America’s middle class.

Republicans and experts’ eyes popped-out over Obamacare! Thankfully, Pres. Trump obtained enough Congressional support to eliminate the mandate for young men to pay for whatever portion of premiums were not paid. Unfortu- nately, he missed by one Senate vote getting rid of the whole, pathetically unfair, biased and heavily-taxed plan. Every Democrat (including Tester at 202-224-2466) in office then voted for it.