Biden’s “handlers” say that his campaign will be “low key”. How could it be any more “low key” than it was in 2020? His presidency is killing America. Hard-working Americans are suffering; millions of Americans are homeless; hundreds of thousands of Americans are dying due to Biden’s very open border. Fake News (FN) parrots the Dems’ untruths … repetition works; huge amounts of Dark Money buys whatever they desire. Every cabinet position is filled with Socialists and Communists, all of whom are incompetent. It is purposeful. Anyone who votes for Biden is either uninformed or agrees with the purposeful agenda.

The economy is in the tank, yet FN sells it as otherwise. Even with the Covid-19 destruction, Larry Kudlow (most brilliant economist in the U.S.) handed-over to Biden 1.4% inflation and 6% GDP. Biden’s lying when he blames “the previous administration”. His handlers have taken Trump’s good numbers to bad ones. Now, inflation is at 6%-plus. GDP is 1% for 2023’s first quarter. Inflation is the cruelest tax of all; it is a tax on every income level.

The Democrats’ top three donors are: #1 George Soros (his goal is to make America Communist by buying District Attorneys and anti-American activist groups such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter and Muslim Brotherhood); #2 Sam Bankman-Friedman (Ponzi-schemer, who hurt millions of Americans in the so-called Crypto industry); #3 is Teachers’ Unions. To save this country, legitimate voters must vote for anyone (Democrat or Republican) other than Biden.