Balfour Declaration (BD): Per Wikipedia, it “was a public statement issued by the British Government in 1917 during WWI, announcing its support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine … then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population.” Wikipedia

That came via a letter from British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour (Zionist Leader) to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild (Rothschild Zionist). The Rothschild Banking Family (RBF) owns all but three Central Banks in the world (in America, Central Banks are called “The Fed”). Though a bit disheveled during WWII, the Balfour Declaration remained significant to the world.

BD’s ugly head surfaced under Obama. While several of his 32 czars were Communists and Socialists, most of them were also Rothschild Zionists (RZs), ie. lower-level banking “czars” and RBF-wannabes. RBFs give worldwide marching orders through a group called “Bilderberg”, which meets annually in secret. The group consists of self-appointed global elitists, whose primary goal is One World Order. RBF-wannabes will sell their soul to be part of Bilderberg. Obviously, they don’t believe in God. Trump and JFK refused to do their bidding, hence, their presidencies had to be destroyed. Wake up! Teach kids the truth about God and world history!