The United Nation’s gun cabal is mostly funded by multi-billionaire George Soros, who hated Pres. George W. Bush. The cabal’s mission was, and still is, for global firearms registration, followed by banning, confiscation and destruction. Gun-banning groups would oversee the rounding-up of personal guns here in America and receive UN funding for it. Gun-hating/population-controlling politicians, such as Schumer, Pelosi, Feinstein and others, fought hard against Bush and John Ashcroft (his Attorney General). They stood-up for the Second Amendment and America’s bedrock values of self-defense and self-determination. “Vote Freedom First”: … liberty is always on the line.

To the gun-banning lobby, “gun culture” means guns must be suppressed at all costs … not for safety reasons, but because gun ownership symbolizes freedom, independence and individuality, as opposed to submission, conformity and reliance on government. Globalist Bill Clinton embraced that distorted version of “gun culture” in his all-out war against firearms owners. After the murderous rampage in Littleton by two deranged students, Clinton charged that the murders stemmed from “the culture of hunting and sport shooting in America”. No! As Pres. Trump and responsible gun owners say, “guns don’t pull triggers”!

There’s no such thing as a free nation where police, military and Hollywood are allowed the force of arms, but individual, everyday citizens are not. The quality of freedom, which our ancestors bought with their blood, is not ours to squander.